Amparo Prosthetics acquired Adapttech.

Motio Functional Report

Activity reporting service for lower limb prosthetic users

Get a detailed report to improve lower limb prosthetic patients’ care

The Motio Functional Report provides a unique solution that empowers O&P clinics and insurance companies or specialists to elevate the patient care of lower limb prosthetic users by providing wearable devices designed to be worn for a minimum of 7 days.

By using the Motio service, the rehabilitation team gathers data that shows a vivid picture of each individual’s daily activities and potential. This way, the team can make more informed decisions on each individual’s prosthetic rehabilitation.

The Motio Functional Report

Once the data from a patient acquisition is recorded, the system generates a Motio Functional Report, utilizing specific proprietary algorithms to provide scores related to ambulation energy, cadence variability, and the user’s peak performance.

These scores represent numeric values that, when combined with the clinician recommended K-level provided when finishing the functional evaluation, generate an average that corresponds to the Motio Functional Level.

Download an example report with real data

Included Outcome Measures

Report Highlights

Top Speed
Max Continuous Walking Distance


Real-world assessment of prosthetic users’ activity
Automatically generates comprehensive reports
Digitalization of functional outcomes
Track the patient’s evolution through the available history
Quantitative data to support the determination of patients’ functional level
Blind Structured Tests (2MWT, 6MWT, 10MWT) are performed during the prosthetic user’s daily life saving time during appointments
Integrates key outcome measures (TUG, PLUS-M™, AMPPRO®) used by O&P professionals under expert clinician guidance
Reports can be used for reimbursement purposes, justifying a patient’s need for certain prosthetic components.
Motio StepWatch™ is HIPAA Compliant

The Software

The user-friendly web-based Motio App allows O&P professionals to perform current standard outcome measures and clinical tests while assessing the patient’s ambulation data acquired from their real life and outside the clinical environment.

The Hardware

The Motio Stepwatch™ device accompanies a prosthetic user for a minimum period of 7 days, gathering data on energy consumption, cadence, distance, speed, and other metrics to allow the clinician to properly classify their patient’s activity level. This data will then be presented in the Motio Functional Report.

How it works

1 – Place the device on the patient’s prosthetic ankle
2 – Perform clinical outcome tests (AMPPRO, PLUS-M and TUG) using the Motio App
3 – Calibrate and setup the device for a long-term acquisition
4 – The patient goes home to their regular routine
5 – Seven days later, retrieve the device and patient data
6 – Generate the Motio Functional Report and share it with the rehabilitation team

Starter Kit

For an enhanced user experience, this is the starter kit for accessing our service.

Starter Kit*


  • 6 Reports
  • 1 Motio StepWatch™ device**
  • Access to the Motio App
  • Unlimited cloud storage
  • Specialized training
  • Online support
  • Free shipping of the device

*Each report unit within your plan remains valid for one year.

** Free device renting for one year. Free renting renews for 12 months with purchase of 6 additional reports.

Get a report example with real data

Explore our available packs or share your specific needs with us, and we’ll tailor a suitable solution just for you.