AOPA San Antonio 2022
The 2022 AOPA National Assembly took place from September 28 to October 1st in San Antonio, Texas, United States.
More than 150 exhibitors had the opportunity to showcase their newest products and technologies and meet with the American O&P specialists. Amparo Prosthetics was present as an exhibitor. We thank all the visitors that came to our Booth to discover or rediscover the Amparo Confidence Socket, the revolutionizing direct socket for below knee amputees. If you were at AOPA San Antonio, you were maybe able to attend to one of our very successful on Patient Demos. We also organized a more detailed training experience in one of the congress rooms so technicians could try 1st hand our below knee direct remoldable and modifiable sockets. Feedback on the Congress has been extremely positive from our fellow exhibitors and attendees cited that “the education program was one of the strongest they have ever attended.” Thank you to the organization of the Congress and to all the visitors. See you soon!
Amparo Prosthetics will be present on several other American Congresses and Exhibitions in 2023. If you wish to know where and when or simply wish to receive more information about our Products or Company, contact us at

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