Amparo Confidence Socket Pilot Trial in the UK

Amparo Prosthetics is happy to announce we have started a new Pilot Trial in the UK regarding the Confidence Socket. Amparo Confidence Socket is a new revolutionary below knee socket that allows the technician to fit the socket directly on the patient´s limb 1 one session, anywhere and to modify it or re do it completely. Our special Tool kit travels with the technician in a Travel bag and allows sockets to be made without plaster, machinery, and technical workshop. All these reasons make the Confidence Socket a very interesting product for the British National Healthcare Service. To develop Amparo´s technology in the British Public Health system we have undertaken a Trail in collaboration with the University of Hull, the University of Southampton, the Portsmouth Hospitals and the University Hospitals of Dorset. This Pilot Trail will allow British Orthopedic Technicians specialized in lower limb prosthetics, to test the Amparo technique directly on several of their current amputees. This way they will assess the cases that are best suited in the British Health System to benefit from this technology and how it can be implemented in a larger scale throughout other NHS Centers in other areas of the United Kingdom. Amparo is delighted to have started this collaboration and look forward to many others in the months to come. More information at

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